Dadspotting : Smart Speaker Games for you and the Family

From your team at Dadspotting (Stay safe, stay home)

It’s time to stop yelling at our Smart Speakers.  Dads, do you own a smart speaker in your home? 

Chances are you've had one of these smart speakers enter into your life for good or bad.

 With the introduction of new technology, you have to become creative in keeping your kids entertained, as well as yourself. As we all adapt to new technologies, including smart speakers, I thought why not break down some fun you can have with this smart device. 

 I recently purchased a Google Home and below are my top favorite games that keep my kids and I entertained, with Google Assistant being our game show host.

#1: Song Quiz

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 Listen to your favorite songs, while guessing the correct title and artist for points. Great way to challenge your friends and family.

#2: Brainstormer Trivia Games

 Brainstormer Trivia is perfect for any age group. With this game, you can learn many new information about general topics that you haven’t heard of before. 

#3: Akinator

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Akinator is a 20-questions game. You begin the game by saying, “Hey Google, let me talk to the Akinator,” and then choose a person (can be any real or popular fictional character). Akinator will then try and figure out which person you are thinking of by asking a maximum of 20 questions.


#4: Math Logic

Practice your math skills with Math Logic. This game asks you challenging math questions - perfect for you and your kids.


#5: Absurd is the Word

 Absurd is the Word gives you absurd prompts with two answer choices. After the players have chosen their answer, the most popular chosen answer wins the round.


#6: Star Wars Trivia Challenge (yes Star Wars!) 

 Are you a fan of Star Wars? The Star Wars Trivia is the game for you! This game asks you trivia questions about the Star Wars movies. Challenge your Star Wars knowledge with this game. 


#7: Game of Thrones Trivia

 If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, this trivia game is for you! Test your knowledge of this series to determine if you’re a true fan or not.

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 Enjoyed this post? Share with us some of your favorite Smart Speaker games. Next, we will be talking about podcasts that you can enjoy with your kids!