#DADPOV - Legalized weed is in your life now. Here is Part 1 of our series
We as Dads have generally had our own experiences with marijuana at some point in our lives. Even if it had no presence in our lives, it still existed in some manifestation be it in movies, music or culture in general. With legalization on the horizon we found a few interesting resources that we think Dads should check out. While we don’t condone or endorse and of the POVs directly, we do benefit from helping to grow the conversations that need to be had, positive and touger.
Topic - How to Talk to Your Doctor About Medical Cannabis
One of the slow adopters to the recent changes will no doubt be the seasoned doctor who has no business or interest in suddenly upping their endorsement of something they haven’t considered a part of modern medicine in decades. So, the next question is, what if you are interested, curious or even convinced that it’s right for you, but you think your doctor will judge or even deny you your request, what do you do?
How to Talk to Your Doctor About Medical Cannabis
We found a wonderful article that has some great points on the subject.
Topic - Parenting and Pot, where to start the discussion.
Every article written on this topic starts with good intent and manges to screw up the message about half way through. No, you don’t want modern advertorial to advocate the openness of use, but you also don’t want to start seeing pot ads in magazines the same way Camel had the back page of every weekly tabloid in the 80s.
Here is a conversations starter
Dave Chappelle is in town and Donnell is taking the opportunity to catch up, while Dave offers him some parenting advice. #Dadspotting with #ProjectDad - Follow them on YOUTUBE
Topic - My friends at work smoke pot at work, will this be normal now?
No, we don’t think so. In fact, people for the most part don’t like the stigma of smoking anything, even the vape things you see puffing some pseudo cherry smelling cloud that is often vision impending. In fact, while we are talking about it, what is in that cloud that instantly makes it storm like structure. Is the density of the smoke cloud associated with some sort of ego thing that isn’t commonly known? Any way, back to the topic, it is our understanding from the current information provided by the government, that private companies will be welcome to apply all laws under their own jurisdiction, as long as they are not purposely endangering employees.
In general though, I’d say avoid it as much as possible at work or at work events for now. Best to figure it out as people start to express their comfort levels.
Look out for Part 2 in next week. Send us your thoughts in our contact section or on twitter @dadspottingcrew