Lebron, Drake and Maverick Open up about Fatherhood and Life on 'The Shop'
Drake is a new Dad. Lebron is a proud Dad and Maverick was a reluctant Dad. Together they discuss everything under the ‘son’, from the rules of hip hop to how they were raised
The star power of this eps is amazing and we urge you to check out the full eps on HBO Canada
Remember it was not until the song March 14th was released that Drake came clean about fathering a child. Since then, a lot has happened and while Adonis is on the verge of being 1, it’s interesting to hear Drake open up about the experience so far. LeBron comes into this as the guiding force that he is and we at #Dadspotting love to see conversations like this happening.
“Drake “I Was Scared To Tell My Mom.””
““I Rather Fail Being Who I am Than Fail Being Someone They Want Me To Be.””